Finding the perfect shirt for your unique purpose
The T-shirt printing industry seems pretty straightforward - create a design, pick a shirt, put the design on the shirt. Many companies have fine tuned their design process and there are a variety of printing methods that leave you with an awesome image. What we’ve seen lacking in the industry is an emphasis on selecting the perfect garment, beyond price and fiber content.
Hallowed Studios is here to work with you to find the shirt that will best fit your needs. The variety of shirts available is as extensive as the variety of purposes a shirt can have. You may want a uniform shirt that’s sturdy and holds up to many washes and wears over its lifetime. Or you might be looking for something to sell as merch that you want to be your customer’s favorite comfy shirt. Those are most likely going to be two very different shirts. But both should be comfortable, fit well, and cater to any sensory preferences you may have. We want you to get the full value and more out of every garment you purchase from us.
We’ve made it part of our job to research, wash test, wear test, and keep track of fit and sizing for a variety of garments. All you need to do is tell us what purpose you want the shirt, hoodie, sweatpants, etc to serve, we’ll take care of tracking down the perfect fit.